Local Weather
There are few cities in the world with consistent colder temperatures. Others are much more expensive to get to or stay at. Thompson, Manitoba, Canada is the best and most affordable location for cold and winter weather testing.
January Global Temperatures

Average City Temperature Comparison
Our average temperature in December, January and February of -28.2 C (-18.8 F) means we have the second coldest winters in Canada.We’re also ranked #2 for the most days with deep snow cover, with 154 days of snow covering the ground to a depth of at least 10 centimetres (4 inches). Our dry, powdery snow normally covers the ground for at least six months of the year and totals an average 186 centimetres (73.3 inches).

Number of Days Below Freezing in a Year
- Thompson – 240
- Bemidji – 199
- Fairbanks – 222
- Timmins – 210
- Finland (North) – 155
Daily Minimum Temperature
Compare Thompson’s average daily maximum and minimum temperatures with other potential test communities in Minnesota and Canada.

Daily Minimum Temperature